Part 1: Before You Even Get Into the Room!

Top Tips for Solving an Escape Room: Part 1

18 Apr, 2023

Top Tips for Solving an Escape Room: Part 1

Part 1: Before You Even Get Into the Room!

I cover a lot of “Frequently Asked Questions” here on the Lucardo blog, but today’s top item on the agenda is a big one. It’s the one we get asked over, and over, and over again:

What Tips Have You Got for Solving an Escape Room?

So, grab your notebooks, as I’m here to tell all. From a game host, here are our top five tips on how to best succeed at your next escape game. The twist? These are all tips on how to succeed… before you even step foot into the room.

Let’s go!

1.     Assemble the Troops

You’ve decided to play an escape room, now you just need the buddies to do it. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t all need to be athletic-superstar-maths-whizzes-with-doctorates-in-escapism to best solve our puzzles. You just need to be enthusiastic, and ready for a good time! So, be sure to get your favourite people together, be it friends, family members, colleagues, or otherwise, and get ready to have fun.

It sounds like a fairly straightforward tip, but being in a team of loved ones really will impact your game for the better, and increase your chances of success!

2.     Arrive Ready, Raring, and On Time

At Lucardo, we always request that our players arrive 15 minutes before their game is due to start. This is to give enough time to go over health and safety briefings, as well as to give you time to use the toilet and settle in ready for the game. If you’re running late it will eat into your game time, and that’s not going to help at all!

Its also very important that you feel comfortable and eager for the game. I’ve done a couple of posts on what to wear for escape rooms, and also what to expect, so be sure to check on those if you’re unsure. Get in the right frame of mind before your game, and you’ll be good to go.

3.     Familiarise Yourselves with the Game Ahead

The theming in our rooms isn’t just for aesthetics, you know! Embracing the theming and diving into the storyline of your game will always help you solve our puzzles while having the most fun, so be sure to give yourself time to familiarise yourself with this information before the game begins. Just head over to our website, which has all the intriguing stories, scenarios, and missions for you to read up on.

4.     Pay Attention During Briefing

This isn’t just because we’ll be issuing important health and safety information and gameplay advice, but also because we might drop a few clues in there, too!

5.     Chat to your Game Host

Every team will have a friendly, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic host to oversee their game. That’s us!

Our job is to make sure everything runs smoothly for you, but we also want you to have the most fantastic time. So, if you have any concerns, requirements, or questions before your game – now is the time to ask. Whether it’s double-checking how to work a specific type of padlock, making us aware of mobility issues, or asking us for more/fewer hints than normal, we’re happy to help and oblige. Think of us as an unofficial extra team member, rooting for you from the side lines!

Ok, so that’s your first five tips on how to better solve escape game puzzles, straight from a game host. Stay tuned to the Lucardo blog for more great tips in future blog posts, and we look forward to locking you up real soon!

Writer: Madeleine