Part Three: Don’t Get Stuck - Solve!

Top 5 Tips for Solving Escape Rooms: Part 3

25 Apr, 2023

Top 5 Tips for Solving Escape Rooms: Part 3

Part Three: Don’t Get Stuck - Solve!

Welcome back to Lucardo! This month, we’ve been the question we get asked more than anything else:

What Tips Have You Got for Solving an Escape Room?

Today, we’re back with Part Three, where we’ll look at our top five tips for success during an escape game itself. If you’ve not read Parts One and Two of the series, where we discuss how to plan-for and start a room in the best way, you can check those out here and here.

For now though, let’s kick off with Part Three: Don’t Get Stuck on Puzzles – Solve Them!

Tip #1 - Remember Your Mission

The biggest tip we can give you? Remember what you’re there to do!

As we’ve discussed in my previous tip blogs, all the rooms at Lucardo have a fun and intriguing storyline, and you’ll have a unique mission to accomplish in each one. Looking for a dragon’s heart? Escaping from a prison? Committing an act of treason? Whatever you’re up to, we’d always advise you to keep this task in the back of your mind as you’re playing. Think of it like a final goal, that’s going to guide you through each puzzle that you encounter along the way.

Tip #2 - Keep Things Tidy

When you have used an object – like a tool, cipher, or key – it helps if you put it to one side. After all, as we say in our briefings, all such items in Lucardo games are designed to only be used once. By designating a space to put your “used” items, you’ll be able to keep a clearer picture of which puzzles you’ve accomplished, and which you have left to tackle. Don’t be getting things mixed up, or you’ll end up going round in circles!

Tip #3 - Leave it, and Come Back to It

We’ve all been in that situation before where the solution to a puzzle just isn’t coming to us. Sometimes, no matter which way you look at it, you just can’t figure it out! When this happens, our best advice is to leave it, look at something else for a bit, and go back to it later.

This is for a couple of reasons. First, you may just need to take a moment and then re-focus for your brain and eyes to work out the solution – this happens. Secondly, the reason why you haven’t figured it out may actually be that you don’t have all the elements to the puzzle yet! Lucardo games are unpredictable, so you never know what’s likely to change after you’ve stepped away.

Tip #4 - Keep an Eye on the Time... But Don’t Get Frantic!

In most Lucardo rooms, there will be a timer displayed on the wall, usually on a screen. While it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the ticking time as you enjoy the room, we’d never recommend you fuss over the countdown! Although some people thrive in high-pressure situations, it’s rare that we see teams succeed by rushing through their game. So, slow down, remember our games are designed to last, and don’t get frantic. It really will make a difference!

Tip #5 - Ask for Help

Last but not least, if you’re really stuck or struggling, just wave your arms and ask your host for a clue. At Lucardo, we want you to have a good time, and its our job to give you tiny nudges in the right direction every now and then. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help in any situation, and during an escape room is no different!

There we have it, that’s Part Three of our Top Tips series. I hope you found it useful!

Be sure to stay tuned to the Lucardo blog and our social channels, as I’ll be wrapping up the series with Part Four very soon. This will include the ultimate escape room-solving tips from our directors themselves – Simon and Molly – so you won’t want to miss it!

Author: Madeleine