Part Two: Starting a Game for Success!

Top 5 Tips for Solving Escape Rooms II

22 Apr, 2023

Top 5 Tips for Solving Escape Rooms II

Part Two: Starting a Game for Success!

Welcome back to the Lucardo Blog! This month, we’re answering one of your TOP questions:

What Tips Have You Got for Solving an Escape Room?

If you haven’t already read Part One, where I covered all our top pre-game advice, you can check that out here. But, for now, I’m back with you for Part Two!

Get ready, as I’m about to spill all our best advice on how to succeed at an escape room, from the moment you step foot through the game’s doors. Keen to get the details? Then read on…

Tip #1 - Get Your Bearings

So: you’re in the room. How exciting! Whether you walked in, sneaked in, or arrived by magic, your game has begun. Now, it’s time to take a good look around.

Both Lucardo Manchester and Lucardo Rawtenstall are gifted with the “TARDIS effect”, in that they will likely surprise you with how spacious the venues actually are on the inside. Maybe your room is bigger than you expected? Perhaps it’s smaller. Does it look like there’s another area you need to unlock as the game progresses? Is your exit the same as your entrance? These are all important questions to be asking as soon as you get inside the room, as that spatial awareness could be key to unlocking the room’s mysteries.

Remember, though, Lucardo rooms may also be brimming with surprises, so don’t be too shocked if hidden secrets become apparent later on in the game!

Tip # 2 - Recap Your Mission

Before you entered the room, your host would have briefed you with the all-important mission you’re there to accomplish. Are you plotting a crime? Solving a murder? Rescuing a dragon’s heart?

Reminding yourself of what you’re there to do is always a good method of keeping on-track in an escape room, as it’ll help you understand what kind of things you need to be on the lookout for. Especially at the start of a game, further details or information may also become apparent to you – so keep your eyes peeled for signage or other messages that will help.

At Lucardo, you can be assured that all our puzzles will be relevant and helpful in pointing you towards this all-important task, so be sure to keep that in the back of your mind as you explore the room properly!

Tip #3 - Get in “the zone”

Lucardo takes great pride in the appearance and interactivity of our escape rooms, and we hope you agree that they sure do transport players to whole other worlds!

One of the best tips we can give you is to allow yourself to truly immerse into the game’s theming. We’ve set the scene for you, but now it’s up to you to live out that story! So, believe in magic. Catch that criminal. Find those fuel rods. If you really get yourself into the mind-frame of a character in our games, you’re way more likely to succeed in the mission!

Tip #5 - Hunt, Hunt, Hunt!

Ok, I’ll hold my hands up here. In the instances that I have personally failed at an escape room, or fallen way behind time, it’s always because I didn’t hunt enough in the beginning. Learn from my mistakes, everyone, and get searching!

Keys can be very small, and hidden in the most unusual of places. Don’t be afraid to look in, under, and around different objects – the more thorough you are in your search, the better your chances of success.

Tip #6 - Take Stock

One of my personal go-to methods when entering an escape room is to take stock of all the obvious and immediate puzzles. If you can see a combination lock you know to look for a four-digit code, while a padlock should mean there’s a key hidden about somewhere. If an unusual tool or piece of apparatus is given to you, take a minute to think about what it could be used for in the game. I like to share my discoveries out loud so my teammates also know what we’re working with, like a good initial appraisal into the task ahead!

So, there we have it, that’s Part Two of our “Top 5 Tips for Escape Room Success” series. I hope it was helpful, and that it’ll inspire you to get your next escape game off to a great start!

Be sure to stay tuned for Part 3, where we’ll look at even more tips to use further into the games.

Until then, you can book escape rooms over on our website, and be sure to stay tuned to our social media for all the latest news, offers, and more. We look forward to locking you up soon!