Lucardo Rawtenstall Breaks Out of The Vault!

12 Jun, 2023

A Lucardo Night Out with Burgers, an Escape Room, and Plans for NERD 2024!

With so many fun things to do in Greater Manchester, our staff nights out are always a blast.

Last week, Lucardo Rawtenstall enjoyed a great night out in Manchester, with food, an escape room, and some super-exciting plans for the future. We wanted to tell you all about it, so keep reading to hear what we got up to…

You know we love playing escape rooms as much as we love running them, so, after a quick burger stop at Five Guys, we headed through the city for a team building activity to remember.

We were very kindly hosted by our friends at Breakout Manchester, who have recently opened up their huge new venue on Newton Street. With many more stories and puzzles to explore in this exciting new venture, we were all keen to go check it out!

Our challenge for the night was The Vault, an awesome, bank heist-inspired room where infiltrating, looting, and escaping were all on the cards. The most exciting part of the experience? Breakout actually has two identical Vault rooms in this venue, meaning we were able to split into two teams and race against each other.

As you can imagine, the whole thing got rather competitive, with Molly, Georgia, and myself (Mads) on one team, and Simon, Alex, Adam, and even Adam Conroy from Lucardo Manchester on the other. In the end, it was the boys’ team who finished with the most loot, with a time only seconds faster than the girls. So, Simon’s Team were the winners, but we all escaped victorious in the end!

After that, it was time for us all to head out on another, extra-special mission for the evening. After the fantastic success of NERD 2023 (which you can read all about here), preparations are underway for a bigger, and better event for March next year. So, while in Manchester centre, we had scheduled a viewing of a very unique venue in which we’re hoping to host NERD 2024 and, while we can’t share any specific details, we can confirm it’s going to be AWESOME. Watch this space!

Thank you so much to Breakout Manchester for hosting us last week, we had a fabulous time and hope to come back again soon. We’d certainly recommend you check them out next time you’re looking for more fun escape games in Manchester – and be sure to tell them we sent you!

Also, make sure to stay tuned for more details on next year’s NERD event, both here on the blog and in the NERD Facebook group. If you’re not part of this group of escape room owners and enthusiasts yet, but would like to be, drop us a message for more information!

To book a game with us, visit For any queries, you can call us on 01706 551600. Be sure to also stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram, as well as the blog, for many more fun insights, news, giveaways, and more!


Writer - Madeleine