Lucardo were thrilled to host an awesome NERD event this month
The Annual NERD Event Returns
25 Mar, 2023

Lucardo were thrilled to host an awesome NERD event this month
A week last Tuesday, 7th March saw the return of the annual NERD event in Stockport – the ultimate social gathering for everyone in the Escape Room community – and a fantastic time was had by all!
Over seventy escape room owners, enthusiasts, friends, and colleagues met at the vibrant Light in Stockport’s city centre, and enjoyed a lively evening of games, food, drink, and socializing. Once again, Lucardo was thrilled to host the event, with Simon and Molly doing an especially great job of organizing a high-stakes Bowling Knockout championship. Huge congratulations are in order to winner Benn from Project Breakout, who wowed us all by demonstrating that his bowling skills are just as spectacular as his escape room designs.
As well as being an, ahem, undeniably “cool” title to behold, NERD is actually an acronym, cleverly standing for “Northern Escape Room Discussions.” As it says on the tin, the group is made up of escape room fanatics from the north of the country, who enjoy “discussing” all things about the pastime. As well as these titular “discussions,” we also love having a good time, too!
Something we especially love about the escape room industry is that it can be enjoyed by players, owners and colleagues together as one. So, it’s always wonderful to organise get-togethers such as this to swap stories, laughs, and knowledge about a shared hobby we’re all so passionate about. As well as being able to enjoy an animated evening with friends while building contacts within the industry, I’m certain everyone left with a handful of game recommendations to add to their “To-Play” lists. We can’t wait to visit some of the venues owned or recommended by our new friends, and have them over at Lucardo to enjoy our games, too!
In conclusion, we’d like to thank all our friends from NERD who joined us this month. We look forward to seeing you soon, and be sure to keep touch. If you are an escape room owner or enthusiast and would be interested in joining NERD, please do reach out to us at Lucardo. We’re a friendly bunch, and can’t wait to see everyone at the next event. Don’t forget your lucky bowling ball!
Written by Madeleine