Mobile Escape Room at Comic Con

09 Jun, 2019

Players loved our all new mobile escape room

Comic Con Manchester 

We did an interview with Ian from the Lucardo team to find out how the weekend went at Comic Con and to find a little bit more about the mobile escape room. 

What is Comic Con?

Comic Con is a fan convention for those who like comics and fictional films from creators like Marvel and DC. This particular convention was just down the road from the Trafford Centre and had a distinct Star Wars theme. Loads of people dress up as their favourite characters; it was great to see these people, with such passion, bringing their favourite comic books to life.

What were you up to? 

We went to Comic Con to help promote Lucardo as a brand but also and, more importantly, to trial the brand new C.S.I - 20 minute escape game. We get asked all the time if we can provide a mobile / portable escape game for corporate events, weddings, schools etc.  We have been desperate to create one but, as you will know, the Lucardo Team have been busy recently with building the brand new centre at Rawtenstall and creating The Prison in Manchester. What we have created is ideally suited to larger events as we can typically get about 15 people an hour to play. 

I am pleased to announce that we have had almost 100 players already and it was definitely enjoyed by all. Not that we weren’t confident in ourselves, but it is a hard task making a mobile game when we don’t have the ability of a fixed control centre. We don’t have the ability to fix things to the wall and it has to be packed in to the back of a small van. 

It took painstaking weeks figuring ways of making a dynamic game whilst having portability. I am glad to say we have achieved it! 

When is this available?

Now as far as I am aware, I think the web team are just finalising a page to make it formally available but we are open to enquiries. 

Tell us about the game?

Come on, I can’t give away too much! In brief it is Crime Scene Investigation. Someone has been murdered and you have the task of finding evidence and piecing things together, but much quicker than normal. You have 20 minutes vs the normal 60. One thing I will say, is that it will certainly get your heart going and that it is different from anything we currently offer.